Aches and Pains, we all have 'em, and we all seem to just put up with them. I have never been a "sick" person. I never go to the Doctor unless I think I just won't live to see the next day!
slight exaggeration) Yes, I am overweight, but never felt the physical ailments that came with it. Normal cholesterol, normal blood pressure, no diabetes, very active and outgoing. I never went to the Doctor's even for a check up, I just always felt fine. Besides all they wanted to do was weigh me and tell me I was Fat!

I don't need a doctor to tell me that. It's not like I woke up one morning looked in the mirror and said Holy S--t! What happened? My weight wasn't the reason for my hay-fever or my occasional bad cold. That was in my 20's and 30's. In my 40's however it became a different story. I started to feel the effects of my weight on my joints and in my back. I realized I must find a way for me to lose weight, a way that worked for me. I am now a
low carber for life and I am 72 lbs lighter. I backed all the sugar out of my diet after they diagnosed my Dad with Diabetes
(I knew I might be next) 8 years ago I did the
Master Cleanse (lemon cleanse to remove toxins from your system) I did it for 14 days. It is no food just the lemon drink and herbal tea, as well as salt water that really does clean out your system! I felt GREAT and had alot of energy. I needed to find out what was naturally missing from my body from years of abuse.

I was a heavy drinker at one time, no MANY times! and after alot of research I came to the conclusion that my organs were just not functioning the way they should. I had some swelling in my joints from carrying around this weight. I have never taken any prescription medication for anything and I hope I never will. I feel better now than ever, after learning all I could about how to give by body what it needs, not just a medication that masks what is really wrong. It's like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. Once I found out the power of certain medicinal herbs I have never felt better. The first one was
Milk Thistle for my hungover liver.

After 2 weeks I noticed a huge change in the pain in my back to the color of my skin,
I paired that with
Juniper for my kidneys and
Dandelion Root to remove excess fluid in my system. I have always had swelling in my right ankle from an injury about 12 years ago, swelled up like a grapefruit all the time. No longer! I actually can wear great shoes again and in a whole size smaller. I have taken
Hawthorne Berry for circulation and man does it work. I no longer have coldness in my fingers and toes, no more leg cramps and my right leg that always fell asleep when I sat on it wrong has permanently woken up!

I am continuing my education on holistic treatments and I wanted to share what I have learned with others.
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